Protective Gear
Protective Gear
Keeping you safe during gameplay is Airsoft Stations’ #1 concern, which is why we carry an extensive collection of protective gear for all parts of your body. Full seal safety airsoft goggles are a necessity for any user operating an airsoft gun, and should be worn at all times when handling your gun. Most safety goggles are worn as is, although some can be worn in tandem with an additional face mask or helmet for maximum protection. Face masks protect your entire mouth and nose area from BBs and debris, and are often required when attending airsoft events or competitions. Our selection of protective face masks feature ventilation ports for fog reduction and improved breathability, and can be adjusted to fit players of all sizes using the elastic head strap. Using a helmet is a good idea when playing in the forest or buildings, as low hanging branches or debris can cause serious harm when running or changing positions. Airsoft Station carries many variations of protective gear that can be worn together to cover all bases on the safety front and eliminate any risk of injury. Gloves keep your hands warm in the winter and provide improved grip when maneuvering your rifle or reaching for your side arm. Some of our gloves also feature knuckles and palm armour for the most intense and physically demanding situations. Specially designed gloves are available for use during the warmer months to avoid internal moisture build-up. Knee, elbow, and chest pads are a good idea for players who like to kneel or lay down but are tired of ripping up their pants, and acts as an additional barrier between you and the incoming firepower. Barrel Blockers are used on the end of your airsoft gun to keep the outer barrel and threads protected from damage during transportation or storage. Stock up on everything you need to ensure a safe and fun time during your next skirmish, and pick yourself up all your protective gear from Airsoft Station today.